Capitol Hill Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage

It is labeled as the deepest, most luxurious massage on the planet, given with the therapist’s feet! If you are looking for a full body deep pressure and deep tissue massage to work out aches and pains, this is definitely for you.

In Japanese, Ashi Atsu literally translates to “foot pressure” and that pretty much sums up this technique. Using fixed bars on the ceiling, the therapist expertly applies Ashiatsu to the tight and stressed areas of the body. Rest assured, our feet are clean and soft. After a few minutes on the table, you won’t even know it’s feet that are working on you, and you’ll be amazed at how good it feels.

We focus mostly on the back, neck and shoulders but still pay attention to the hips, legs, arms and upper chest with this modality and you will be astonished that it is all happening with feet.

We can apply therapeutic techniques for those chronic pains or Swedish techniques for a more relaxing experience, and in some rare instances, both feet hop on board for an added bonus you won’t believe.

This modality has roots in the Philippines and India and was fine tuned here in Denver at the modality’s training center.